Saturday, November 15, 2008

Blogging is HARD work!

Ugh... I have just finished changing the template for Kat's Healthy Living, and I'm pooped. My goal is a complete redesign, so I'm nowhere near finished with that - but it took me forever just to setup a new template, and then add everything back in!! (I would love it if you'd go and see what you think!)

When I loaded Kat's Eyes, I thought, "hm, now it looks a little drab in here"... but am I going to vamp this one up? Nope. It's just too dang hard. This site has been around longer and there are add ons and widgets galore - I shudder to think of how difficult it would be to redo all this. Its similar to the feeling I get when I think of moving to a new house. I'm like - HOW on earth will I ever gather and MOVE all this STUFF??


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