Thursday, February 12, 2009

5 Easy Valentine's Day Tips for Clueless Boyfriends

Okay, I'm going a bit off topic today because, well, I'm a girl - and Valentine's Day is this Saturday. And for some reason, we girls are hard-wired to expect something romantic on Valentine's day, be it roses, wine, chocolates, or all three (even better!). I don't know why we're like that - we just are. And you know you love us anyway!

Since I write about fun things like space and sci fi - I know I have at least a handful of guys among my ten readers (haha). I thought I might help you out by providing a quick list of easy things to do for/with your gal on Saturday.

#1 Send her roses at work (or whatever her favorite flowers are - if you don't know her favorite flower - you need more help than I can give). This one is so easy a monkey could do it - and it's pretty much expected from you the moment you become her 'significant other' anywhere near V-day. Just call up 1800Flowers or something and you're golden.

#2 Make dinner - or have dinner delivered from her favorite restaurant before she gets home and set it out with the good china and a candle. Trust me - easy AND she'll be uber-impressed.

#3 Take her to a movie that she wants to see .... even if YOU don't want to see it! Amazing! Self-sacrifice is a big turn on. :-)

#4 Do NOT ask her to decide what you two will do on Valentine's day - unless she is the type who would actually type out your proposal for you to memorize - then I'm sure that would be okay. Most girls enjoy being suprised though.

#5 Write a sappy poem, or prose. There are so many male bloggers out there who write the most beautiful copy. Write it for her!

Okay - that's all I have. I'm fairly easy to please though, so this list isn't really breakthrough discoveries about women or anything. Have a great V-Day!


Kaber Vasuki 12:38 AM  

Er.. like in the movies?

Anonymous,  1:02 AM  

Thanks Kat for the tips.Delicious are Chocolates,Cute are flowers ,wine their favorite all in all I wish you all around the world a tremendous joyful Valentines Day.


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Anonymous,  12:05 AM  

funny... Clueless Boyfriend


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